written by
George Drennan

What Is BOFU Content? 5 Examples to Help You Close More Deals

Content Marketing Lead Generation 7 min read

Bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) content marketing is all about one thing: converting prospects into paying customers.

At this stage in the sales funnel, your prospects already know their problem, and they're aware of the solution. They're just one step away from converting.

But they're still comparing their options.

This is where your BOFU content strategy needs to shine. You've got to prove that your solution is not just another option - it's the right choice.

In this guide, we'll break down what BOFU content is and explore five powerful examples. You’ll also learn actionable strategies to help you create BOFU content that converts like crazy.

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What Is BOFU Content?

BOFU content targets prospects at the final decision-making stage of the buyer's journey. They've already done their research and are actively comparing your product or service to the competition.

Visual representation of the marketing funnel stages, focusing on BOFU content strategies.

What they need now is that final push to make a choice.

At this point, your content's main job is to eliminate any lingering doubts and prove that your solution is the best fit. It's no longer about educating - it's about giving them the confidence to take action and close the deal.

5 Types of BOFU Content That Convert

Ready to supercharge your bottom-of-the-funnel content strategy? Here are five high-converting types of BOFU content that will help you get more organic traffic and close more deals.

1. Comparison Posts

Your prospects are likely comparing your product to your competitors. They want to make sure your solution is right for them before they make a buying decision.

Comparison posts make their decision easier. This type of content can help you show how your product solves problems better than the competition.

Brevo's "Comparing Brevo vs. Mailchimp" post is an excellent example of this type of BOFU content. It does a great job of laying out the differences in pricing and features to help prospects see why Brevo might be a better fit.

Brevo vs Mailchimp comparison highlighting pricing and features.

To make this information more engaging and scannable, Brevo uses handy comparison tables. This makes it easy for prospects to see how Brevo stacks up against Mailchimp at every price point.

Pricing comparison table for email marketing platforms Brevo and Mailchimp.

The post also includes testimonials from former Mailchimp users who switched to Brevo. This social proof adds credibility and reinforces Brevo's unique value proposition.

User testimonials from Brevo customers who switched from Mailchimp due to better pricing and customer service.

When writing a comparison post, focus on specifics. Show how your product outperforms the competition in ways that matter most to your target audience.

2. Alternative Posts

Alternative posts are a smart way to capture prospects actively searching for a better solution to their current problem. These prospects are turning to search engines to find alternative solutions.

You can use alternative posts to help them compare their options and subtly position your product as the best choice.

ClickUp's post on "Top 25 Asana Alternatives" is a perfect example:

 ClickUp’s post on top 25 Asana alternatives for project management in 2024.

It breaks down each alternative's key features, pros, cons, and pricing - giving prospects all the information they need to make an informed purchase decision.

Pros and cons of using ClickUp as an alternative to Asana, with pricing information.

The post also includes a section that helps readers assess whether they need an Asana alternative. It guides them to self-identify their needs and find the best match.

Discussion on when a project management team might need an alternative to Asana.

This content marketing strategy is ideal for siphoning away dissatisfied customers from competitors. You can use alternative posts to attract them to your site and steer them toward your solution.

3. Case Studies

Case studies are one of the most effective BOFU content formats.


They show real-world examples of how your product solved a problem and delivered measurable results.

Hotjar's case study on Canyon's UX team is a masterclass on how to showcase success.

How Canyon’s UX team improved customer experiences using Hotjar.

It walks readers through the specific tools Canyon used to identify bugs and monitor user behavior. These details show exactly how Hotjar helped improve their processes.

Hotjar’s heatmaps and recordings helping UX teams with error tracking and continuous monitoring.

The case study also includes quotes from Sarah Wilson-Reissmann, Canyon's UX team lead. This makes the story feel personal and authentic.

Quote from Hotjar customer on using the tool.

Going into the details of how your product or service delivered tangible outcomes can give prospects the confidence they need to move forward.

4. Customer Success Stories

Similar to case studies, customer success stories focus on the personal experiences of your clients. The goal is to make your product relatable by showing how it helped someone in a similar situation.

This IBM customer success story with Adobe is a great example. It shows real, measurable results that speak directly to prospects at the decision-making stage.

BOFU content customer success story on how Adobe Marketo Engage helped transform its digital marketing strategy.

Instead of just talking about how they improved marketing operations, Adobe delivered hard numbers. This specificity helps potential customers visualize the impact of the solution.

Results of IBM’s globalization process with Adobe, saving time and reducing costs for digital asset management.

The post includes a personal story from Ari Sheinkin, IBM's Vice President of Global Experience Engine. His quotes make the success story relatable and human.

Testimonial from IBM’s VP of Global Experience Engine, praising Adobe Marketo Engage for its role in digital transformation.

The success story highlights how Adobe solved real problems. It makes it easier for prospects to see themselves in the same position and feel confident about choosing the solution.

5. Product Demos

At the bottom of the funnel, your prospects are ready to see your product in action. Product demos give them a hands-on look at how your solution works and why it's the right choice for them.

Pipedrive's product demo is an excellent example of how to do this right.

Their video walks users through the platform's key features, like customizing pipelines and automating repetitive tasks.

Pipedrive’s BOFU content product demo showcasing deal management features within the sales pipeline interface.

The demo highlights exactly how Pipedrive saves users time and boosts productivity - making it an irresistible call to action for decision-ready prospects.

5 Tips for Creating BOFU Content That Converts

Now that you know the different types of BOFU content, here's how to make sure it converts like crazy:

1. Be Specific and Detailed

Your prospects are comparing your solution to other options. You need to give them solid proof why they should choose you.

This is where specifics make all the difference.

Your BOFU content should focus on the exact features, benefits, and results your product delivers. Numbers are especially persuasive. Research by Nielsen Norman Group shows that online readers naturally fixate on numerals, which can increase engagement and trust.

So, instead of saying your product is "more efficient," back it up with data. For example, Lumen5 uses real metrics in their Siemens case study to demonstrate the concrete impact their tool had:

Lumen5 case study results showing how Siemens increased output, reduced costs, and achieved faster production.

The more detailed you are, the easier it becomes for prospects to see why your solution is the best choice.

2. Address Objections Head-On

Your prospective customers are weighing the pros and cons of choosing your solution over the competition. To tip the scales in your favor, address common objections directly in your BOFU content.

Consider what might be holding them back: Is it cost? Implementation time? Compatibility with their current systems?

Your content should tackle these concerns head-on.

For example, Sage Accounting knows small business owners prioritize strong technical support. It’s a deal breaker when it comes to choosing accounting software.

So, they included a testimonial from a customer praising their exceptional support in their BOFU content.

Sage Accounting testimonial highlighting strong technical support and customer satisfaction.

By proactively addressing potential objections, you remove the final barriers to conversion. It makes it easier for prospects to choose your solution.

3. Incorporate Social Proof

Trust plays a huge role in the decision-making process at the bottom of the funnel.

One of the most effective ways to build trust is by incorporating social proof into your BOFU content. This can come in the form of customer testimonials, case studies, success stories, reviews, or even user-generated content.

Hootsuite's comparison post with Buffer is a great example. They feature a customer quote explaining why they prefer Hootsuite. This adds credibility and trust to their claims.

Example of BOFU content testimonial from a Unilever representative explaining why Hootsuite is more effective for collaboration than Buffer.

When potential customers see that others have used your product and had positive results, it reassures them that they're making a smart choice.

4. Include Strong CTAs

Every piece of BOFU content needs a clear, actionable call-to-action (CTA) that guides prospects toward the next step. This could be signing up for a free trial, booking a demo, contacting your sales team, or checking out your pricing page and making a purchase.

Take Zoho Books' comparison post as an example:

BOFU content call-to-action example for migrating from QuickBooks Online to Zoho Books with a 14-day free trial offer.

Their CTA is highly relevant to the content, highlighting how simple it is to switch from QuickBooks. There’s a direct link to customer support for any questions and a 14-day free trial to reduce friction and encourage conversion.

This kind of direct CTA makes it easy for prospects to take action, increasing your chances of closing the deal.

5. Provide Value, Not Just a Sales Pitch

The goal of BOFU content is to convert, but it shouldn't feel like a hard sell. Your content should still provide value, whether it's insights, tips, or real-world examples.

A case study shouldn't just be a promotional piece for your product. It should provide genuine insights into how similar businesses achieved success using your solution. Focus on delivering high-quality content that balances helpful information with a persuasive push.


BOFU content is where you turn leads into customers.

By crafting content that’s specific and action-oriented, you’ll increase your chances of converting leads into long-term customers.

Address your prospects' pain points, show them why you're the best choice, and make it easy for them to take action. That's how you close more deals.

Join the ranks of 5,000 successful businesses using StoryChief to attract more leads through content. Get started for free today.

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