15 Essential Content Strategy Deliverables For Any Client Campaign

5 min read

A strong content strategy is essential for successful client campaigns. It helps ensure the client's message connects with their target audience, boosts engagement, and meets business objectives.

As an agency handling various clients, integrating these key content strategy deliverables can elevate your campaigns.

Content Strategy Deliverables

1. Audience Personas

Creating detailed audience personas is the first step in any effective content marketing strategy.

These personas are fictional characters representing different segments of your client’s target audience. They include behaviors, needs, pain points and demographic information. By understanding who the audience is, the client can tailor their content to meet their specific needs and preferences.

  • Deliverable: Comprehensive Audience Persona Documents
  • Benefit: Provides clarity on the target audience, enabling more personalized and relevant content.

2. Content Audit and Gap Analysis

A content audit involves reviewing all existing content to assess its performance and relevance. This process helps identify what’s working, what’s not, and what can be improved.

A content gap analysis follows, pinpointing missing content opportunities that can fill unmet needs or address new trends.

  • Deliverable: Content Audit Report and Gap Analysis
  • Benefit: Optimizes existing content and identifies new content opportunities to enhance engagement and SEO performance.

3. Competitor Content Analysis

It is crucial to understand and analyze the content strategies and performance of your client’s competitors. By conducting a thorough competitor content analysis, you can identify their strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, allowing you to make informed decisions for your client’s content marketing efforts.

  • Deliverables: Competitor content inventory, performance metrics, SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats).
  • Benefit: By analyzing your competitors' content, you can gain valuable insights into what works and what doesn't in your industry. This knowledge allows you to refine your own strategy by leveraging successful tactics used by others and avoiding common pitfalls.

4. Content Goals and Objectives

By specifying content objectives, you can track progress and ensure your efforts align with your client’s business goals. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure this progress. KPIs can include metrics like website traffic, conversion rates, social media engagement, or email click-through rates.

  • Deliverables: SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound), key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Benefit: Provide clear direction and benchmarks for success.

5. Content Themes and Topics

Defining content themes and topics helps ensure your content connects with your client's target audience and advances their business goals. This includes content pillars, topic clusters, keyword research, and seasonal or evergreen content.

  • Description: High-level themes and specific topics that guide content creation.
  • Benefit: Ensure content is aligned with audience interests and business goals.

6. Content Calendar / Editorial Calendar

A content calendar is a strategic content planning tool that outlines what content will be published, when, and where. It helps maintain a consistent posting schedule and ensures that all content aligns with key marketing goals and events.

  • Deliverable: Monthly or Quarterly Content Calendar
  • Benefit: Ensures timely and consistent content delivery, enhancing audience engagement and maintaining campaign momentum.

7. Keyword Research and SEO Strategy

Effective content is often rooted in strong SEO. Keyword research helps identify the terms and phrases your client’s target audience is searching for. An SEO strategy then outlines how to incorporate these keywords naturally into the content to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.

  • Deliverable: Keyword Research Report and SEO Strategy Document
  • Benefit: Boosts organic search visibility and attracts more qualified traffic to the client's website.

8. Content Creation and Curation Guidelines

To maintain a consistent brand voice and quality, establish clear guidelines for content creation and curation. These guidelines should cover everything from tone and style to formatting, sourcing and team roles.

  • Deliverable: Content Creation and Curation Guidelines Document
    Benefit: Ensures all content aligns with brand standards and meets quality expectations.

9. Editorial Style Guide

An editorial style guide is a comprehensive resource that outlines the rules for writing and formatting content. It covers grammar, punctuation, style preferences, and brand-specific guidelines.

  • Deliverable: Editorial Style Guide
  • Benefit: Maintains consistency across all content, enhancing professionalism and brand recognition.

10. Brand Voice

Maintaining a consistent brand personality for your client is crucial for creating a strong and recognizable identity. The voice and tone of the content you create significantly shape how the audience perceives the client.

  • Deliverable: Voice characteristics, tone adjustments for different contexts, examples and non-examples.
  • Benefit: Maintain a consistent brand personality across all content.

11. Content Distribution Plan

Creating great content is just the beginning; getting it in front of your client’s audience is equally important. A content distribution plan outlines the channels and tactics for sharing the content, whether through social media, email marketing, influencer partnerships, or paid advertising.

  • Deliverable: Content Distribution Plan
  • Benefit: Maximizes content reach and engagement across multiple platforms.

12. Performance Metrics and Reporting

To understand the impact of your content strategy, establish clear performance metrics and regular content reporting practices. This includes tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, engagement rates, lead generation, and conversion rates.

Deliverable: Performance Metrics Dashboard
Benefit: Provides insights into content effectiveness and informs future strategy adjustments.

13. Content Marketing Funnel

A content marketing funnel guides potential customers from awareness to conversion. Each stage of the funnel (awareness, consideration, decision) requires different types of content to nurture leads and build relationships.

Deliverable: Content Marketing Funnel Strategy
Benefit: Enhances lead nurturing and increases conversion rates by delivering the right content at the right time.

14. Case Studies and Testimonials

Showcasing success stories through case studies and testimonials builds trust and credibility. These deliverables highlight the positive impact of your client’products or services, providing social proof to potential clients.

Deliverable: Case Studies and Testimonials
Benefit: Builds trust with prospects and demonstrates proven results.

15. Content Repurposing Strategy

Repurposing content involves transforming existing pieces into different formats or updating them for different platforms. This strategy maximizes the value of the content, extends its lifespan, and reaches new audiences.

Deliverable: Content Repurposing Strategy Document
Benefit: Increases content efficiency and ROI by leveraging existing assets in multiple formats.

Oversee your content strategy deliverables from a single platform

Incorporating these top content strategy deliverables into your client campaigns can significantly enhance their effectiveness and ROI.

By understanding your audience, optimizing existing content, planning strategically, and measuring performance, you can create compelling and successful content strategies that drive results.

Want to elevate your client campaigns? Use these top content strategy tools from a single platform that unites your campaigns and clients. Start your free account.