written by
Syed Balkhi

7 Steps to Boost Your Site SEO with SERP Analysis

Search Engine Optimization Content Marketing 10 min read

Are you interested in conducting a SERP analysis so you can take your SEO strategy to the next level? If so, you're in the right place!

It doesn't matter what industry you're in; there's a good chance your goal is to increase brand visibility and reach the top of the search engine results for your keywords and phrases. A SERP analysis can help you do just that.

Today, I'll share actionable advice so you can conduct a SERP analysis to grow your businesses and dramatically improve your search presence.

What is a SERP Analysis?

Put simply, a SERP analysis is when you research search engine results pages to learn more about the top-ranking content. The goal is to find opportunities to improve your content and optimize it for search engines.

The process involves figuring out what resonates with readers and the algorithm so you can make meaningful changes to your strategy. You'll need to look at your ranking posts as well as gather valuable insights from your top competitors.

It's also important to review metadata, featured snippets, knowledge panels, 'people also ask' suggestions and the different types of content ranking on Google.

Put all of this information together, and you'll be in a position to optimize your website and overall SEO marketing strategy.

Key Benefits of a SERP Analysis

Before we explore the steps, let's take a look at some of the key benefits that come with conducting a thorough SERP analysis.

  • Improve search visibility: With 93% of online experiences starting with a search engine, it's not hard to see how a SERP analysis helps you spread awareness and get more clicks on your site.
  • Increase organic traffic: On average, 53% of all website traffic comes from organic search. Analyzing SERPs will help you improve your content and attract people who genuinely care about your product or service.
  • Understand user intent: SERP analysis reveals what type of content is satisfying your target audience, which can help you align your content more closely with what your audience is seeking.
  • Gain a competitive edge: If you study your competitors' ranking content, you can identify opportunities in your strategy and find ways to outperform them in search results.
  • Optimize future content: A SERP analysis will help you figure out which type of content (text, videos, and so on) performs well for your target keywords. This information will help you diversify your content in a way that makes sense.
  • Better resource allocation: When you know which keywords and content are likely to rank, you can make more effective use of your time and resources, which means you'll save money and see better results.

How to Use a SERP Analysis to Boost Your SEO Strategy

1. Identify Your Target Keywords

Keywords are one of the most important parts of a SERP analysis. Depending on your industry and what you're offering visitors, your keywords are fairly unique and require a lot of research to get right.

As a general rule, your keywords need to be relevant to your business and align with your audiences' needs if you want to attract the right people to your site.

If you're not targeting the right words and phrases, you're going to have a hard time connecting with the people you want to see on your site, which could lead to a drop in traffic and engagement.

With this in mind, here are some tips for targeting the right keywords:

  • Brainstorm a list of keywords: Start by considering broad terms related to your industry and niche. Check your Google Analytics report, and you will see the most popular keywords people are typing in to find your website.
  • Use keyword research tools: Tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz can help you discover new keyword opportunities and understand search volume, competition, and keyword difficulty. This will help you carefully plan your strategy and choose keywords that have the best chance of driving traffic.
  • Focus on long-tail keywords: These are typically less competitive and highly specific, which makes them easier to rank for and more aligned with user intent. This step is important because almost 35% of all searches contain four words or more.

Once you've identified your target keywords, you have a foundation for your SERP analysis. I suggest focusing on specific words and phrases; you can narrow your research and find out exactly what's helping other sites rank highly.

Google Keyword Planner in Action

2. Analyze the Top 10 Search Results for Each Keyword

Analyzing the top 10 Google results for your keywords and figuring out why they rank is the next step for creating your own high-ranking content.

Here's how to conduct your analysis:

  • Examine page titles and meta descriptions: Look for patterns in top-ranking blog posts and pages. Do you use keywords in their titles and meta descriptions? What stands out to you in the meta descriptions?
  • Evaluate the URL structure: Is the URL structure of top-ranking pages clean, concise, and includes keywords?
  • Look for content types: Pay attention to whether these results are blog posts, product pages, videos, infographics, or landing pages. This will give you insights into what type of content search engines favor for that particular keyword.
  • Review the formatting: Identify whether the top-ranking pages are long-form or short and if they include headings and subheadings, images, and images. These factors can improve user engagement and help you understand what format your audience prefers.

3. Examine Featured Snippets and SERP Features

Featured snippets, knowledge panels, image packs, and "people also ask" boxes are becoming increasingly important for SEO.

These SERP features provide additional opportunities for visibility, even if you don't rank in the number one spot.

Here's what to look for:

  • Featured snippets: Identify whether the top-ranking content appears in a featured snippet (the highlighted answer at the top of the results). Does it answer the query directly? How is the content structured? If you can match or improve the way the content is presented, you stand a chance of capturing this prime SERP space.
  • People also ask: These are additional questions Google presents in response to popular searches. By studying these related questions, you can create content that answers similar questions, which increases your chances of appearing in these boxes.
  • Knowledge panels: While more common for branded or entity searches, understanding what triggers a knowledge panel can help you optimize for specific informational content.
  • Other rich results: Take note of image packs, videos, or local results. Take notes so you can better understand which content Google favors for your keywords, enabling you to diversify your approach.

By targeting these SERP features, you can increase your chances of appearing in multiple spots on the search results page, even if you aren't in the traditional top 3 positions.

Example of a “People also ask” box

4. Analyze Competitor Content

Checking out your competitors' content is a crucial part of every SERP analysis. You'll often need to go beyond the top results so you can simply find content that's outperforming yours.

Here are some key areas you should focus on during your competitor analysis:

  • Content depth and quality: Ask yourself these questions when conducting your report: Do competitors cover the topic more comprehensively than you? Are they providing more detail, better explanations, or useful visuals that enhance the user experience?
  • Engagement metrics: Look at user engagement factors like comments, shares, or backlinks (using tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush). Content that drives engagement signals to Google that it's valuable, which can boost rankings.
  • Keyword usage: Note where and how your competitors are using keywords throughout their content. Are they using latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords, synonyms, or phrases related to your target keyword?
  • Content updates: Check how frequently top-ranking pages are updated. Google favors fresh content, so if your competitors regularly update their posts, it could be a signal that you need to refresh yours, too.

By dissecting what's working for your competitors, you'll find gaps or areas where you can improve your own content to outperform them.

5. Evaluate Page Speed and Mobile Friendliness

Google isn't shy about admitting that they favor websites that deliver a top-notch user experience. For you, this means you need to assess technical SEO factors like page speed and mobile usability to ensure optimal website performance.

When you consider that 70% of people admit that loading times impact their decision to engage with a brand, this makes total sense.

Here's how to evaluate these aspects of your site:

  • Use Google PageSpeed Insights: This tool provides insights into how quickly your site loads and suggests ways to improve it. Pay attention to metrics like Time to Interactive (TTI).
  • Test mobile usability: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly by using Google's Mobile-Friendly Test tool. Mobile responsiveness is a critical factor, as over half of searches now come from smartphones.
  • Check for Core Web Vitals: These metrics (like loading, interactivity, and visual stability) are essential for creating a great user experience. Improving these will not only help your SEO but also reduce bounce rates and increase conversions.

6. Optimize Metadata and Schema Markup

Optimizing your page's metadata is a powerful way to boost your SEO after conducting a SERP analysis.

We've found that well-optimized meta titles and descriptions generally lead to higher click-through rates (CTR), which signals to Google that your page is valuable and worth readers' time. As more people visit your site, your authority increases, which continues to push your content up in the SERPs

Here are a couple of strategies worth keeping in mind:

  • Craft engaging meta titles and descriptions: Add your primary keywords naturally, but focus on making the text engaging enough to encourage clicks. The better your CTR, the better your chance of climbing the rankings.
  • Add schema markup: Schema markup helps Google understand what your site is about and can help you get rich snippets in SERPs. Adding structured data (like product ratings, event details, or recipe instructions) will make it far more likely that you'll get featured in the search results, which will further boost your visibility.
Snippet Featuring Price, Reviews, and Availability

7. Monitor and Adjust Your Strategy

Finally, after conducting your SERP analysis and making changes based on what you learn, it's crucial to monitor your performance and improve over time.

Here's how:

  • Use tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics: Track your keyword rankings, organic traffic, and engagement metrics with some of the tools mentioned above. Look for patterns and trends that indicate which optimizations are working and where you may need to make further changes.
  • Set up rank tracking: Use rank tracking tools to monitor where your target keywords stand in the search results over time. This allows you to see the impact of your SERP analysis and optimization efforts.
  • Regularly revisit your SERP analysis: SEO is not a set-it-and-forget-it task. Search algorithms change, competitors update their content, and user behavior evolves. By performing regular SERP analyses, you can be more proactive about your SEO strategy.

Tired of playing the SEO guessing game? Access real-time search performance insights, identify decaying content, and discover new content opportunities for increased organic traffic. Try it free.

Automated SERP Analysis

Manually finding these gaps can be a time-intensive process. With StoryChief’s Content Audit, you can streamline this task and boost your site’s performance more efficiently.

StoryChief automatically detects areas where your content is underperforming compared to competitors. It highlights missing or shallow topics and recommends specific keywords to fill these gaps, allowing you to strengthen your content and improve its ranking.

Here’s what you get with StoryChief’s "Content Gap" recommendation:

  • Current CTR, position, clicks, and impressions for each page.
  • Top keywords driving traffic to your content.
  • Potential impressions increase, based on optimizing your content.
  • Suggested keywords to include, drawn from a content gap analysis of your competitors’ top-ranking pages.
StoryChief’s Content Audit

Without StoryChief, you'd need to manually compare your content with the top 10 SERP results, analyzing competitors’ keyword rankings and topic depth using tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush. StoryChief simplifies this by delivering all the insights you need in one place—saving you time and offering clear steps to close content gaps and improve your SEO.

Optimize your content effortlessly with StoryChief’s free Content Audit. Instantly boost SEO, readability, and engagement with our automated tool—start seeing results today!

Final Thoughts on SERP Analysis and SEO

Mastering SERP analysis is a process that never really ends. By consistently analyzing search results, understanding your competitors, and optimizing your site, you can see higher rankings, drive more high-quality traffic, and outperform your competitors.

The next step is to take some of the strategies we discussed today and start your own SEO journey. Stay patient and persistent, and I'm confident you'll see your site in the SERPs!

SEO marketing Content Audit