written by
Ilias Ism

301, 302, 307 & 308 Redirection Status Codes

Search Engine Optimization 7 min read

When it comes to managing a website, redirects are an essential tool for directing users and search engines to the correct pages.

Redirects help maintain a site's structure, preserve link equity, and provide a seamless user experience.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive deep into the world of 301, 302, 307, and 308 redirects, explaining their differences, use cases, and best practices for SEO.

What are HTTP Redirects?

HTTP redirects are server-side instructions that automatically send users and search engine bots from one URL to another. When a client (such as a web browser) requests a resource that has been moved, the server responds with a redirect status code and the new location of the resource. The client then follows the redirect to the new URL.

Redirects are useful for a variety of situations, such as:

  • Permanently moving a page or site to a new URL
  • Temporarily redirecting traffic during site maintenance or updates
  • Consolidating duplicate content
  • Fixing broken links and improving user experience

The most common types of redirects are 301, 302, 307, and 308, each with its own specific use case and implications for SEO.

301 Moved Permanently

A 301 redirect is used when a resource has been permanently moved to a new URL. It tells clients that the original URL is no longer available, and all future requests should be directed to the new location.

This will cause your browser to permanently cache the original URL and always send users to the new redirected destination. It is very hard to clear the cache, so make sure this change is permanent.

Search engines interpret a 301 redirect as a strong signal to transfer all ranking signals, such as link equity and authority, from the old URL to the new one.

Use cases for 301 redirects include:

  • Migrating a website to a new domain
  • Changing URL structure or page names
  • Consolidating duplicate content
  • Fixing canonical issues and redirecting non-preferred URLs

When implementing 301 redirects, it's crucial to ensure they are set up correctly and efficiently. Too many redirects can slow down page load times and negatively impact user experience. It's also important to update internal links and notify any external sites linking to the old URL.

302 Found (Temporary Redirect)

A 302 redirect indicates that a resource has been temporarily moved to a new URL, but the original URL should still be used for future requests. In the past, search engines treated 302 redirects differently than 301s, not passing link equity to the new URL.

However, Google has stated that it now treats 302 redirects similarly to 301s, transferring ranking signals if the redirect is in place for an extended period.

Use cases for 302 redirects include:

  • Temporary site maintenance or updates
  • A/B testing or content experiments
  • Redirecting users based on device, location, or other criteria

While 302 redirects can be useful for temporary situations, it's generally recommended to use 301 redirects for permanent moves that you are sure are 100% permanent to reduce latency and page speed.

307 Temporary Redirect

A 307 redirect is similar to a 302, indicating that a resource has been temporarily moved to a new URL. The key difference is that a 307 redirect requires the client to use the same HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) for the subsequent request as the original request. This is important for preserving form submissions and other non-GET requests.

Use cases for 307 redirects include:

  • Temporary site maintenance or updates involving form submissions
  • Redirecting POST requests during server migrations
  • Handling complex, dynamic redirects

Like 302 redirects, search engines generally do not transfer ranking signals through 307 redirects, as they are intended to be temporary.

308 Permanent Redirect

A 308 redirect is the permanent counterpart to the 307 redirect. It indicates that a resource has been permanently moved to a new URL, and all future requests should be directed to the new location using the same HTTP method as the original request.

This is useful for situations where you need to permanently redirect a resource that involves non-GET requests, such as form submissions or API calls.

Use cases for 308 redirects include:

  • Permanently moving a resource that accepts POST requests
  • Migrating a website with complex forms or APIs
  • Ensuring consistency in request methods for permanent redirects

All 301, 302, 307, and 308 redirects equally count as a signal to transfer ranking signals from the old URL to the new one while preserving the original request method. There is no dampening effect or any loss of link juice.

Best Practices for Implementing Redirects

Use the appropriate redirect type:

  • For permanent moves, use 301 for GET requests and 308 for non-GET requests.
  • For temporary moves, use 302 for GET requests and 307 for non-GET requests.

Minimize redirect chains: Each additional redirect adds latency and can negatively impact user experience and SEO. Aim for no more than one redirect per URL.

Update internal links: After implementing a redirect, update any internal links pointing to the old URL to reference the new URL directly.

Notify external sites: Reach out to webmasters of sites linking to the old URL and request that they update their links to the new URL.

Monitor and test: Regularly monitor your site for broken links and test redirects to ensure they are working as intended.

Use server-side redirects: Implement redirects on the server-side (e.g., .htaccess file for Apache servers) rather than using meta refreshes or JavaScript redirects, which are less efficient and not as search engine-friendly.

Avoid redirect loops: Ensure that your redirects do not create infinite loops, which can confuse users and search engines.

Consider the impact on analytics: Redirects can affect how traffic is attributed in analytics tools. Use appropriate tracking parameters and consult with your analytics team to ensure accurate data collection.

Which redirect is better for SEO?

302 or 301 are the same for SEO. They pass 100% of all link equity.

Are 301 or 302 redirects better for SEO?

The answer is that 301 and 302 redirects are the same for SEO.

Despite popular belief among SEO experts, John Mueller from the Google Search Team has repeatedly said that all redirects are equal for SEO. You do not lose link juice or PageRank if you use a redirect.

John Mueller: 302 or 301 redirects, which one should I choose for maximum PageRank?
The good news is it doesn't matter. Use the technically correct redirect type. It can also be a 307 or a 308 redirect. Search engines have dealt with redirects since the beginning. If an SEO tells you that 302 redirects are bad, send them here.

Redirects play a crucial role in maintaining a website's SEO health. Properly implemented redirects help preserve link equity, consolidate duplicate content, and provide a seamless user experience. By transferring ranking signals from old URLs to new ones, redirects ensure that a site's authority and visibility in search results are maintained.

Improper use of redirects can have negative consequences for SEO. Redirect chains, loops, and slow redirects can hinder search engine crawling and indexing, leading to poor user experience and potential ranking drops. It's essential to follow best practices and regularly audit your site's redirects to identify and resolve any issues.

Redirects and User Experience

All redirects have the same SEO impact. However, redirects do significantly impact user experience. When implemented correctly, redirects guide users seamlessly to the content they are looking for, even if the original URL has changed. This helps reduce frustration and improve engagement.

However, slow or excessive redirects can lead to longer page load times, which can frustrate users and increase bounce rates. It's crucial to minimize the number of redirects and ensure they are implemented efficiently to provide the best possible user experience.


301, 302, 307, and 308 redirects are essential tools for managing a website's structure, preserving link equity, and providing a positive user experience.

By understanding the differences between these redirect types and following best practices for implementation, you can effectively use redirects to improve your site's SEO and user engagement.

Remember to use the appropriate redirect type for each situation, minimize redirect chains, update internal links, and regularly monitor your site for any issues. By mastering the art of redirects, you'll be well on your way to a more successful and user-friendly website.

But instead of worrying about 301 vs 302 vs 307 vs 308, focus on creating valuable content, building high-quality links, and providing a seamless user experience. These factors will have a much more substantial impact on your search engine rankings and overall online success.

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