written by
Zakhar Yung

A 2024 Guide on Content Reporting

Content Marketing Search Engine Optimization 10 min read

poImagine crafting beautiful and engaging content but with no way to gauge its reach or impact. Assessing the effectiveness of your content efforts must be another significant aspect of your job. Content activity reporting bridges this gap by providing quantifiable data.

A robust content marketing reporting solution helps you learn about your audience, optimize content strategy, and achieve marketing goals. However, content marketing reporting involves looking at numbers and understanding the story behind the data.

Join me in exploring the topic of reporting in content marketing, including key metrics, and practices to leverage this craft.

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What is content reporting?

Content reporting is a part of content marketing analytics. It is collecting and analyzing data from various sources like website, blog, social media, emails, etc. Its purpose is to evaluate your content's performance and its impact on the overall marketing goals. Doing so lets you see what is working and what is not, improving your content strategy.

Content marketing reporting offers diverse perspectives, ranging from broad overviews with site-wide reports to individual content marketing reports exploring specific pieces in detail and custom reports. This spectrum of reporting ensures you gain relevant insights at every level, empowering informed decision-making for your content strategy.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 81% of marketers view content as a core business strategy. Even more, 56% of respondents get insights from their content data.

This statistic underscores the pivotal role that content plays in modern digital marketing. Digital platforms for content marketing, AI tools, and the ever-expanding online media have made businesses realize the importance of creating high-quality content to capture and keep audiences engaged. At the same time, it has to be a streamlined and manageable process, one unskippable part of which is content reporting.

Why is content reporting important in digital marketing?

There are plenty of reasons – from simple tracking of KPIs to building an entire content strategy driven by data. Let’s examine the main of these applications in detail.

Performance analysis

You can understand how a particular piece or type performs using content reports. You can check key indicators like page views, time spent on a page, shares, interactions, and others. It helps to reveal how well your content grabs readers' attention and encourages them to interact.

No matter whether you are an agency or an in-house marketing team, creating content reports and dashboards will help you keep all stakeholders informed. In this context, content reporting emerges as an essential mechanism to share results and view the value of content marketing efforts.

Content optimization

Content reporting empowers you to base your content strategy on real data. You can identify high-performing content formats, topics, and distribution channels and prioritize them. This lets you double down on what works and optimize less successful pieces.

Audience insights

Your audience's needs are ever-changing, so your content must adapt accordingly. Analyzing audience behavior and engagement patterns can uncover insights into their preferences and pain points at the bottom, middle, or top of the funnel, respectively.

This data-driven approach ensures your content resonates with your target audience and delivers value. As a result, you can see an increase in brand awareness, traffic, followers, and customer loyalty, which will significantly improve your ROI as well as referrals from loyal customers.


By identifying underperforming content and emerging trends, content marketing reporting empowers you to streamline your strategy-tuning process. Analyzing this data can aid you in prioritizing content types and allocating resources strategically.

Grab your free SEO analysis today. No more hassle of switching tools and getting overwhelmed with keyword data, just actionable SEO insights at a glance.

5 key content marketing metrics to track in content reporting

Regarding reporting on content, certain content marketing metrics hold more value than others. Many free tools offer basic features to monitor performance. However, with an advanced content marketing reporting solution, you can integrate more valuable metrics from different platforms.

Five content reporting categories often garner marketers' focus and merit diligent tracking efforts. Below, we explore them.

Engagement metrics

Some engagement metrics you need to check are scroll depth, time on a page, bounce rate, likes, shares, open rates, etc. These KPIs demonstrate how people interact with your content. It opens a way to understand your audience, focus on the most engaging content, as well as analyze why particular content isn't performing.

An example of a dashboard with content engagement metrics by StoryChief

Sources of traffic

These indicators will show you how your content acquires visitors across different channels. It can be organic traffic from search engines or referral traffic to your content item from other outlets. Also, you can see how many people visit your website directly using URLs or interact with your content through dedicated campaigns.

By understanding the main sources of your traffic, you can identify well-performing channels and reduce spending on creating and distributing content for ineffective ones.

Keyword performance

The batch of these metrics assesses the effectiveness of keywords in attracting people to your content. It helps you understand which keywords bring in the most visitors and conversions.

Understanding CTR and keyword difficulty with keyword volumes helps you align your content marketing with SEO efforts. Eventually, your blog posts and landing pages will have higher rankings and more traffic. Of course, making helpful content for readers is crucial, but search engine optimization is still vital to get your content on top.

Grab your free SEO analysis today. No more hassle of switching tools and getting overwhelmed with keyword data, just actionable SEO insights at a glance.

Attribution and conversions

These metrics reflect the effectiveness of your content in driving leads and making them perform desired actions. For instance, the conversion rate will show the percentage of visitors completing a desired action (starting a trial, purchasing, signing up for a newsletter, downloading a white paper, etc.).

In this way, you'll be able to identify what type of content converts efficiently, tune-up CTAs and copies, and more.

Content quality

Overall, these metrics are part of previous categories, e.g., social media engagement or conversion rates. However, there are more points to keep in mind here. Particularly, you can assess the readability score of your content. Also, shareability, number of backlinks, mentions, pageviews, comments, and similar can represent your content's actual value and quality for the audience.

5 best practices in content reporting

Here are some practices to help you start with content marketing reports properly.

Identify objectives and criteria

Your content has to have a purpose. Not all your objectives must be directly linked to revenue; some can align with your company's strategic goals. The common objectives of content marketing include:

By understanding the goals of your content marketing efforts, you can set up your content marketing reporting. The data reporting process begins with setting clear goals to guide performance measurement. The next step is to choose the KPIs you will use to measure your progress. No need to measure all the metrics. All chosen metrics should provide insight into how close or far you are from your objectives.

Automate reporting and data processing

Manually generating and updating reports can be time-consuming and tedious. Automation in data collection offers a streamlined approach to content performance analysis. Implementing a reporting automation solution can optimize your operations, provide data accuracy, and give your team more time to focus on strategic tasks.

However, while automated reports offer numerous advantages, they should not replace critical thinking and deeper analysis. Use them as a tool to generate initial insights and inform your strategy. By using automation, you can unlock the full potential of content reporting.

Visualize your data

Visual data allows quicker pattern recognition and intuitive understanding, leading to faster insights than text. By leveraging data visualization in your content and reporting, you can enhance your reporting efforts, making it more engaging and accessible.

A dashboard featuring comparative data typically uses graphs and charts to illustrate the fluctuations of specific metrics over a chosen time frame. Also, you can visualize your content data by choosing a suitable marketing performance report template.

For instance, you would like to track how your website pages convert, how much time users spend on them, and other metrics mentioned above. You can combine it in one shareable dashboard.

An example of a blog performance dashboard

Modern dashboard software lets you visualize your most important information sources easily, in a single location. It's useful when you distribute different content in many channels and want to access a set of KPIs.

Analyze on schedule

When checking analytics, timing can differ depending on the platform, frequency of data updates, and the processing speed of the respective platforms.

For instance, if you're tweeting daily, it's logical to track your performance on X with social media analytics tools daily. However, daily checking your blog article analytics might not be as beneficial. The time it takes for Google Analytics 4 or other tools to provide data on a newly published article can vary – from a few hours to a few days. So, it's reasonable to analyze blog performance at least weekly or monthly.

In any case, having a schedule of content reporting is important to:

  • evaluate your content performance regularly.
  • quickly react, e.g., to update articles that lost rankings, change scheduling for social media posts, etc.
  • maintain content quality.
  • share interim and fresh results with stakeholders.

Find a reporting schedule that aligns with your content channels and resources. Also, consider the time you can dedicate to refining your content based on the insights you gather.

Use insights from content reporting

Content reports offer the first view, but the real impact lies beyond the charts and numbers. Here's how you can turn content reporting insights into actionable steps:

  1. Learn from the past. Content marketing reporting isn't just about present performance; it keeps the historical data. Identify recurring themes, patterns, and trends. Analyze past successes and failures to make a course for future content.
  2. Demystify the audience. Analyze what topics pique their interest, what formats they like, and what sparks conversions.
  3. Predict future successes. Become a trendsetter by analyzing audience shifts and emerging topics.

Your ability to analyze, interpret, and translate data into actions and experiments determines the real impact of content activity reporting.

How To Create Better SEO Reports With StoryChief

Gain valuable insights into your website's performance by analyzing key metrics such as total impressions, clicks, average position, and average click-through rate. You can also identify your top keywords and those that are growing or declining in popularity.

To get started, you can sign up for an SEO analysis on our platform. (Don’t worry, it’s 100% free!)

Dashboard 1: Performance Overview

Get a comprehensive view of your website's performance with this dashboard. It provides insights into the number of views, clicks, search rankings, and click-through rates.

Within the "click performance in detail" section, you'll find a breakdown of your most successful and least successful keywords. Focus on improving content related to declining keywords by revising it if necessary.

seo reporting dashboard

Dashboard 2: Organic Traffic Trends Over Time

Analyze traffic trends over time to identify successful strategies or areas needing improvement. Monitor changes in keyword rankings (position), impressions, engagements (clicks), and click-through rate (CTR).

seo reporting dashboard

Dashboard 3: Keyword Breakdown and Positions

See which keywords are driving traffic to your site and at what position your pages are appearing for those searches. Optimize page titles and meta descriptions to entice users to visit your site.

position tracking dashboard in storychief

Dashboard 4: Improvement Opportunities

Uncover valuable insights into underutilized keywords or those with high growth potential. Move up in search results by optimizing pages ranking on the second or third page. Explore variations of top-performing keywords for new content ideas.

We categorize content improvement recommendations into four categories:

  1. Top Keywords/Pages: Monitor their performance regularly, identify contributing factors to success, and acquire high-quality backlinks.
  2. Opportunity Keywords/Pages: Revise SEO titles and meta descriptions to increase click-through rates.
  3. High Potential Keywords/Pages: Optimize existing pages with high-potential keywords.
  4. Underperforming Keywords/Pages: Review target keywords, optimize articles for SEO and readability, refresh and expand content, and optimize meta descriptions and SEO titles.

Make content reporting an integral part of content marketing

Content reporting is an essential element of content marketing. Even more, content reporting is useful for other marketing channels. That's why using content reports and dashboards is valuable for the entire marketing strategy and shouldn't be underestimated.

An effective content report comprises essential metrics and visual representations, enabling swift and crucial marketing decisions. Consistent reporting plus data-driven insights is the best way to craft content that resonates, connects, and, ultimately, converts. So, go beyond the numbers! This data-driven learning cycle is the key to consistently creating great content.

Content marketing analytics SEO content Content KPIs