Our April product updates are now available in your workspace:
- Batch approvals are here
- Post carousels on Instagram natively
- Internal tagging and extra info for social posts
- New tool to create beautiful carousels from Twitter Threads
Let's take a quick look 👇
Batch approvals are here!
You can now complete the approval process of multiple social posts at once. We've also added new bulk actions to your workspace to eliminate repetitive tasks:
- Bulk approval requests for social posts new
- Bulk assign collaborators to stories and social posts
- Move content in bulk to other workspaces new
- Add content to campaigns in bulk
- Delete content in bulk

Post carousels on Instagram natively
We removed the tedious flow of copy-pasting your image carousels in Facebook Creator Studio. Now you can post Instagram carrousels natively resulting in a better workflow.
Check it out in your account here!

Internal tagging and extra info for social posts
Custom fields are now available on social posts allowing you to set up internal tagging and add additional info like budget, additional resources, ICP, or anything else that’s important to your workflow, team, and company.
More info on custom fields here!

New tool to create beautiful carousels from Twitter Threads
We launched a new tool to create beautiful carousels out of any Twitter thread from your favorite influencers. Now, you don’t even need to come up with your own content anymore... Just search for good Twitter Threads!