37 SEO Deliverables for Your Next Client Campaign

Search Engine Optimization Content Marketing 6 min read

Are you looking to enhance your client campaigns with targeted, innovative strategies? Do you want to streamline your workflow and improve efficiency? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the essential SEO deliverables typically provided to clients.

What exactly are the SEO deliverables that should be included in your client campaigns? From keyword research and on-page optimization to technical audits and link building, there are various components that contribute to a successful SEO campaign.

In this guide, we will break down each of these SEO deliverables into actionable insights, providing you with a clear roadmap for success.

Initial Setup and Audit

1. Website Audit Report

A comprehensive analysis of your client’s current website's performance is essential and the basis for your SEO deliverables. This report identifies technical issues, on-page SEO elements, and content gaps that need addressing to improve the site's overall health.

2. SEO Strategy Plan

A detailed SEO strategy plan outlines the approach, including target keywords, objectives, and timelines. This serves as a roadmap for the client campaign.

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3. Competitor Analysis

Understanding the client’s competition is crucial. An in-depth competitor analysis reveals their keywords, backlinks, and content strategies, providing insights into what works in their industry (and what doesn’t).

4. Keyword Research

Identifying relevant and high-traffic keywords is foundational to SEO. This involves analyzing industry trends, competition, and search volumes to select the best keywords to target.

Tip: Guide to Uncovering High-Value Keywords Your Competitors Overlook

5. Baseline Ranking Report

Documenting the current rankings of the client’s website for targeted keywords helps measure progress over time. This baseline report is essential for tracking improvements and showing the ROI of your services.

On-Page SEO

6. Meta Tag Optimization

Optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags (H1, H2, etc.) for targeted keywords enhances your client’s site's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

7. Content Optimization

Improving existing content for readability, keyword density, and engagement ensures it meets the needs of both users and search engines.

Tip: Boost Your Rankings With This Comprehensive SEO Checklist

8. URL Structure Optimization

SEO-friendly URLs that are descriptive and include keywords contribute to better rankings and user experience.

Tip: Best Practices for Creating SEO-Friendly URL Slugs

9. Internal Linking Strategy

A well-planned internal linking strategy enhances navigation and distributes page authority throughout your site.

10. Image Optimization

Adding alt tags, optimizing image sizes, and ensuring relevance to content are key steps in image optimization, improving both SEO and accessibility.

11. Schema Markup

Implementing structured data, such as schema markup, helps enhance the client’s SERP visibility with rich snippets, providing more information to users directly in search results.

Technical SEO

12. Website Speed Optimization

Enhancing site load speed through caching, file compression, and image optimization is critical for both user experience and SEO.

13. Mobile Optimization

Ensuring the client’s website is fully responsive and performs well on mobile devices is essential, given the increasing number of mobile users.

14. XML Sitemap Creation and Submission

Creating and submitting an XML sitemap helps search engines crawl and index the client’s site more efficiently.

15. Robots.txt Optimization

Properly configuring the robots.txt file ensures search engines can crawl the client’s site effectively without indexing non-essential pages.

16. Broken Link Check

Identifying and fixing broken links prevents negative user experiences and helps maintain site integrity.

17. Canonicalization

Implementing canonical tags prevents duplicate content issues, ensuring search engines understand the preferred version of your client’s pages.

18. HTTPS Implementation

Securing your client’s site with HTTPS is crucial for protecting user data and boosting search engine rankings.

Content Creation and Marketing

19. Blog Post Creation

Regularly creating SEO-optimized blog posts attracts and engages visitors, providing fresh content for search engines to index.

20. Content Calendar

Developing a content calendar helps plan and schedule regular updates, ensuring consistent content delivery.

21. Guest Blogging

Writing and publishing guest posts on relevant external sites builds backlinks and enhances your client’s domain authority.

22. Press Releases

Crafting and distributing press releases gain media coverage and backlinks, increasing your client’s visibility and credibility.

23. Infographics

Creating visually appealing infographics attracts links and social shares, providing valuable backlinks and increasing engagement.

Off-Page SEO

24. Backlink Analysis and Building

Identifying and acquiring high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites boosts your client’s authority and ranking.

25. Social Media Integration

Promoting content through appropriate social media channels increases its reach and engagement, supporting overall SEO efforts.

26. Local SEO

Optimizing your client’s Google My Business profile, local citations, and reviews enhances local search visibility and attracts nearby customers.

27. Directory Submissions

Submitting your client’s website to relevant directories increases backlinks and drives traffic to their site.

Reporting and Analysis

28. Monthly SEO Reports

Detailed monthly reports on SEO performance, including keyword rankings, traffic, and conversion metrics, provide insights into the effectiveness of your strategy.

Tip: A 2024 Guide on Content Reporting

29. Google Analytics Setup and Monitoring

Setting up and monitoring Google Analytics offers valuable insights into traffic and user behavior, helping refine your SEO strategy.

30. Google Search Console Monitoring

Regularly checking Google Search Console data helps monitor site performance and identify indexing issues that need addressing.

31. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Analyzing and optimizing your site to increase the percentage of visitors who complete desired actions improves overall campaign success.

Ongoing Optimization and Maintenance

32. Continuous On-Page Optimization

Regular updates to meta tags, content, and internal links based on performance data ensure your client’s site remains optimized.

33. Technical SEO Audits

Periodic technical SEO audits identify and fix any new issues that arise, maintaining your client’s site's health and performance.

34. A/B Testing

Running A/B tests determines the most effective SEO strategies and page elements, helping optimize conversions.

35. Algorithm Update Monitoring

Keeping track of search engine algorithm updates allows for timely adjustments to your SEO strategy, ensuring continued effectiveness.

36. User Experience (UX) Improvements

Enhancing the overall user experience reduces bounce rates and improves engagement, contributing to better SEO performance.

37. Link Disavowal

Identifying and disavowing toxic backlinks protects your client’s site from potential penalties and maintains its authority.

Delivering the best SEO services to your clients

By focusing on these 37 key SEO deliverables, you can ensure that your client's website not only ranks higher in search engine results but also provides a better experience for their users.

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