written by
Syed Balkhi

11 Proven Content Types That Drive Organic Traffic to Your Website

Content Marketing 8 min read

Are you exploring content types that can help you boost your website traffic?

Creating quality content is one of the most effective ways to generate traction online and engage a relevant audience organically.

It helps you convey your message to the right people and promote the products or services you offer.

Consistently creating relevant content is a proven way to generate brand awareness without making a dent in your wallet.

Furthermore, it fuels your online visibility, allowing you to dominate the search engine rankings. As a result, you get more traffic to your website and increase your chances of scoring higher conversions.

Different content types may help you achieve your goals. The following are a select few that may give you the best results.

So, without further ado, let’s start.

1. Research-Based Posts

Research-based posts encompass content that you create based on your original findings. Secondary research fuels most of the content you see online. It makes research-based posts a rare find.

These posts showcase the author’s own opinions on a particular topic, which cultivates thought leadership and generates a greater level of traction.

This type of content has greater depth and offers valuable insights. Thus, it’s likely to give you a better SERP performance, enabling you to attract a relevant audience organically.

Authors generally conduct surveys to gather the required information for such posts. However, other data collection methods, such as interviews and focus groups, may also be considerable options.

You may not be able to create this type of content much because it’s a bit more intricate and time-consuming.

However, the efforts put into creating a research-based post surely pay off, as the content not only helps you boost your traffic but also enables you to build authority in your respective industry.

2. How-to Posts

Creating guides or how-to posts is an excellent strategy to increase your website traffic and engage the intended audience.

This content type is so popular that over 76% of bloggers say that they prefer publishing how-to articles. There is a reason for the popularity of guide-style posts.

What’s the first thing you do when you want to find a viable solution to a particular problem or learn how to do something?

You explore the internet for relevant information or useful learning material and look for efficient ways to solve a problem that you grapple with.

It’s where how-to posts come into play. With these posts, you engage your target audience by providing them with a series of steps to fix something or explain a particular process.

“How to” post examples by StoryChief

The posts serve as an excellent content type to attract relevant traffic to your website and grow your reputation online.

3. Industry News

Another effective way to boost your website is to share industry news and updates with your target audience.

People like to stay up-to-date with what’s happening in a particular industry and explore updates concerning their preferred brands.

Think of it as their daily dose of content. They like to be informed and don’t want to miss out on anything important.

Not only does it help you attract new visitors to your website, but it also enables you to increase the number of returning visitors by being consistent in your content output.

4. Product Reviews

This content type is better suited for websites that leverage the affiliate model to generate revenue online.

When producing this type of content, you review the products or services that appeal to your target audience and provide them with relevant information.

Basically, you test the solutions that may pique the interest of the intended audience and talk about the pros and cons.

This information is highly valuable, as people generally want to learn about the capabilities of their preferred solutions before purchasing them.

So, your reviews help them explore relevant information and find answers to the questions in their minds.

5. Infographics

Did you know that our brains can process information presented to us in an image format within 13 milliseconds?

Visually illustrated information makes it easier for us to understand complex topics within a short period. It makes infographics one of the most preferred formats for consuming content.

The format serves as an excellent choice for you if you choose to create data-driven content where you strive to share numbers or statistics with the intended audience.

An infographic helps you interactively present brain-draining information and summarize complex details through graphical illustration. So, it’s a proven way to get more eyeballs and drive high engagement.

Furthermore, search engines, especially industry giants like Google, favor data-rich content as it offers a high value.

So, infographics can help you climb the SERPs and get better search engine visibility, enabling you to fuel your traffic organically.

Infographics may not give you an instant boost in traffic like other content types. However, it helps you create evergreen content that enables you to drive optimal results in the long run.

6. White Papers

A white paper is one of the proven content types that helps you cultivate thought leadership in your respective industry by showcasing your expertise in a particular field.

It’s a thoroughly researched and detailed piece of content that facilitates access to useful information about a particular topic and relevant insights concerning a complex problem.


A white paper is one of the most helpful content types that enables you to build trust and win the hearts of your target audience.

It’s another type of content format that helps you build authority in the industry and attract the right people to your platform.

White papers are likely to help you score a ton of brand mentions on relevant platforms and increase your content’s shareability. It amplifies your reach and helps you grow traffic to your website.

7. Case Studies

Case studies serve as an opportunity to showcase the features and capabilities of the solutions you offer.

Through this content type, you tell your target audience how your products or services helped people solve their respective problems.

Publishing case studies is an effective way of convincing the right people that you can help them achieve their goals.

It’s the type of content that enables you to stand out from other alternatives in the competitive landscape and boost your website traffic.

Case Study

8. Ebooks

A common mistake many make when trying to engage their respective audiences is creating promotional content only.

The content that performs the best is people-centric. Around 81% of content marketers say that understanding their audience plays a vital role in the success of the content strategy.

You need to ensure that your content caters to the queries of your target audience and helps them find answers to their questions.

This is where ebooks come into play, facilitating the intended audience’s access to relevant information.

This type of content not only serves as an excellent way to boost your website traffic but also performs well as a lead magnet.

You can effectively grow your email list and stay in touch with your audience even after they exit your website.

To get topic ideas for an ebook that gives you promising results, see which of your content pieces is getting the most traction.

If the topic resonates with the needs and interests of your target audience, covering it in more detail and designing an ebook may prove to be a viable strategy.

9. Video Content

Publishing videos to your website serves as an excellent strategy to attract and engage your target audience.

Furthermore, it’s a proven way to amplify your reach and ensure an active presence on multiple platforms.

Your video content serves as engaging social media content, enabling you to generate traction through leading platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.

Moreover, embedding your videos in the website content enables you to offer an interactive experience to your visitors and add more topical depth.

It sends positive signals to search engines, which improve your rankings and enable you to attract more traffic organically.

10. Podcasts

A podcast is one of the most popular content types, irrespective of the industry you operate in or the audience segment you target.

It’s a convenient way to explore useful information about the topics of interest to you and stay up-to-date with current events.

A podcast allows you to access relevant information on the go, whether you’re walking, in the gym, or on your way to work. Hence, the number of people who want to consume content in this format is rapidly growing.

A podcast helps you leverage social media platforms and attract a relevant audience to your website.

You can also grow your website traffic by embedding your podcast episodes into your pages and engaging your visitors.

11. User-Generated Content

Another proven content type that helps you generate traction and engage your target audience is reviews or testimonials.

This type of content is classified as user-generated as your customers help you curate it and leverage it as social proof.

User-generated content example

Around 99.9% of people seek reviews and recommendations online before making purchases online.

They rely on the experiences of others to make informed buying decisions and minimize the likelihood of making a bad purchase.

Since people consider such type of content valuable, publishing it on your website improves your search engine performance and enables you to drive more traffic.

Not only does it help you attract and engage your target audience, but it also enables you to score more conversions.

Getting started with different content types

There you have it: the eleven proven content types that enable you to drive organic traffic to your website.

If you’ve been looking for ways to attract more visitors to your website and engage a relevant audience, the content types listed in this article may help.

By leveraging the recommended formats, you can effectively diversify your content and generate more traction online, as sticking to a particular content type only may not be a viable strategy in the long run.

Content types